Justice and Benevolence//Fairness and Kindness

Justice and Benevolence can easily be defined as fairness and kindness. Often associated as the same, once defined these ethical terms are clearly different. It could be said that in the political world, justice and benevolence cannot coexist. But in my opinion, that statement is entirely false. While they might not always coexist, they hold the possibility to coexist. Behind the principal of justice is equality and benevolence can also exist in concurrence with equality. But benevolence can also be corrupt making equality one of its shortcomings, so as Christians, we need to be on the look out for corruption. Proverbs 29:2 says “when the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” This fits in to the pattern of justice and benevolence perfectly because fairness and kindness working together result in praise of the Lord, but fairness and kindness working corruptly against each other results in wickedness.

Justice is almost always associated with politics and benevolence is almost always associated with relationships. I think it is important to realize that without benevolence, political relationships between president and diplomat and judge and jury wouldn’t be possible. In the same way without justice, healthy relationships wouldn’t exist. The two virtues of ethics coexist. I really want to focus on the healthy relationships aspect of ethics because I think as a high school senior, this affects me the most. For me, it is really important for my relationships to be founded on benevolence because kindness is an extremely important character trait to me and it is a huge part of how I demonstrate my faith. This secular article from the HuffPost points this out that it improves the lives of all people invested in the relationship. As I have made relationships with my friends, this has been really important to me, but as I look ahead towards the next phase of my life, I have thought a lot about the healthy relationships in my life. It is important to create relationships founded on benevolence, but also to keep them healthy by keeping them just. For example, my relationships with my HCA friends will always be fulfilling for my heart, but at the same time, it is important to me that everyone is fair to each other to keep our Christ-centered, healthy relationships. Otherwise, it would be become a wicked, corrupt relationship. Another example that is on my mind is that as I head to college (probably in a different state), I’m going to have to make new relationships.  As much as I love my friends in my HCA bubble, I’m going to have to make more friends. I’m praying that I will be able to create healthy relationships founded on benevolence that carry the quality of justness.

Although it isn’t a primary aspect of my life, politics are a part of everyone’s life, especially government politics. A lot of controversy in the current events happening in the government world stem from the ethical issue of justice. I’m not going to go into specifics and create controversy, but I think it is important that while justice is addressed, benevolence is also practiced. We are human. People don’t always make the right choice and even though justice is a primary aspect of how the government runs (and they strive to achieve that), it isn’t always the most just reason. Yes, it’s upsetting. Yes, it might be against our beliefs. It is important to consider benevolence as we as Christians examine these situations. As the common phrases go, “treat others how Jesus would treat you” and “what would Jesus do?” Kindness (benevolence) goes a long way and, in doing so, we shine a light for God.

One of the things that is really important to me is that I am always kind because I never know what someone is going through. As someone with an invisible disability, this is a phrase that is really true for me. I appreciate when someone shows benevolence towards me because when I am in excruciating amounts of pain on a daily basis, it makes my day when someone chooses to make a kind decision or act kindly towards me. At the same time though, justice is really important to that as well. I would never want to be unfair by taking advantage of someone’s benevolence towards me and I would never want someone to be unfair by taking advantage of me because of my pain. I hope that anyone reading this would understand this as a real life example, include kindness in all things.

Overall, justice and benevolence can coexist, but aren’t the same. They are necessary to each other, but can easily used to make each other corrupt. As Christians, we should be careful to use justice and benevolence to glorify Christ, not create wickedness. I pray that fairness and kindness can be attributes important to your life and that they will assist in your worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.


5 thoughts on “Justice and Benevolence//Fairness and Kindness

  1. mseefeldtblog says:

    I like how you said that justice and benevolence are important attributes in a Christian’s life, but I would not see them as being so coexisting. It is true that in a perfect world these two ideas go hand in hand. But our world is tainted by sin. Benevolence, being the desire to do goodwill to others, can sometimes be contradictory to justice. For example, when justice requires punishment, benevolence may seem impossible. To see them truly work together, we can look to God because he is perfectly just and perfectly benevolent. He enacted justice by punishing sin, but showed his want for our goodwill by putting that punishment on Christ’s shoulders. Overall, good job!


  2. katystjohn says:

    “While they might not always coexist, they hold the possibility to coexist.” YES KYLIE YOU GO GIRL!! I totally agree. I touched on the same idea in my blog and really agree. God is the one who holds the coexistence of justice and benevolence. Thank you for being so authentic about what is going on in your own heart and how you try to love other people well cuz you never know. Love you girl and good job!


  3. joshbible says:

    Hey Kylie, great blog! I agreed with your idea of justice and benevolence having the possibility of coexisting and it was nice to hear how these two virtues work in your life and relationships. I would hope that everyone would understand the importance of kindness just as you have to make this world a better and safer place. The problem is humans can be corrupt or stubborn so until Jesus returns it may not be a worldwide virtue. Overall great post kylie and keep up the good work!


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